Tuesday, May 12, 2009

50 Years of the Mini [Pics]...

50 Years of the Mini [Pics]
Looking back over the past half century of a British design icon.

Easter Eggs in Car Design
check out these cool easter eggs hidden in recent cars

Chysler-Fiat: The Expected Lineup for 2012
If all goes as planned, the hallmark moneymakers at Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep will be joined by new small cars engineered by Fiat and built in the U.S. or abroad. Among them: sporty hatchbacks, cute city cars and maybe a convertible or two. A few models on the bubble may survive, too, though their future's a little more hazy.

Can a Golf Ball Covering Shed MPGs?
The mounting pressure from legislators to improve fuel economy means automakers are sweating the details to eke out all the miles per gallon they can get. Every system on a new vehicle is optimized to return the best fuel economy, given the available technology and that vehicle's specific mission.

Futuristic Honda F-uzo Hover Concept Car [PICS]
We have always heard and fantasized that we will have flying cars in future which will take us to the skies. Now, it appears that time is quite near. Designer John Mahieddine has build a concept design for Honda which is a hover car.

Ford Worker Builds 125 MPG Street Rocket
The street legal, two-passenger, 3-wheel motorbike that is made from aircraft materials. Oh, and it is capable of a top speed of over 100 mph.

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